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DTS Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression Therapy using our DTS table is a safe and effective treatment designed to help relieve your nagging back, neck, or referred pain such as sciatica. Clinical studies of non-surgical spinal decompression therapy are reporting that a high percentage of patients show significant reduction of pain. A percentage reports the elimination of pain. Thousands of people across the country are enjoying the benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy. We are eager to help you learn if you are a candidate for this treatment method.

DTS Spinal Decompression

You rest on the table while a padded harness focuses the gentle force along your spinal column.

Spinal Decompression Therapy using our DTS table is a safe and effective treatment for pain without the risks associated with surgery, anesthesia, infection, injections, or prescription medication. As you imagine, decompression therapy is rapidly gaining popularity due to the exceptional results treating chronic back pain without surgery.

DTS Spinal Decompression Therapy is an effective treatment for:

  • Herniated disc
  • Degenerative disc
  • Facet syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Post-surgical patients
  • Spinal Stenosis

Simply described, this method of treatment uses a therapeutic table that is connected to a computer, to electronically stretch and decompress your spinal structures. You rest on the table while a padded harness focuses the gentle force along your spinal column. This decompresses your spine specifically the intervertebral discs, joints and stretched your spinal muscles, the three structures that produce most of your pain.

Prior to beginning treatments, we evaluate you to determine if you are a candidate. Your medical history, x-rays, CT/ MRI scans are carefully reviewed. If you are a candidate for therapy, an individual treatment plan is created for your specific needs. A typical plan may be between 10 to 30 treatments. It is important to complete your treatment plan and thus the full healing process even if you start to feel improvement early on. It is not uncommon to experience a significant reduction in pain early in your treatments.

Cervical Decompression

The computer is programmed in accordance with your specific treatment plan, and your session commences.

At the beginning of each session, you are fitted with a comfortable harness designed to offer optimal decompression, unloading due to distraction and positioning. You are fully clothed, and a specially trained technician will make sure that you are properly positioned for comfort, safety and effectiveness. The computer is programmed in accordance with your specific treatment plan, and your session commences. Additionally, you are in complete control and can shut down the treatment session at any time if discomfort should occur.

During each session, you experience multiple cycles of treatment, which may take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. Each cycle takes between 3 to 5 minutes. The equipment is designed to apply precisely-controlled tension along the axis of your spinal column, creating decompression of the intervertebral discs. The process is fully automated and administered by a computer, which in turn is monitored by a technician.

During the treatment cycles, you may feel some relief of the pressure in the area where your pain exists. During this time, your body is responding by flooding the area with valuable oxygen, blood, and nutrients that help promote the natural healing process of your body.

Schedule your initial exam today and find out if Spinal Disc Decompression can benefit you!

How Does Spinal Decompression Therapy Work?

Decompression is oftern used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome

Decompression is oftern used to treat carpal tunnel syndrome.

Impact Rehab & Wellness is pleased to provide the DTS Spinal Decompression System. Spinal Decompression Therapy is a revolutionary non-surgical treatment for low back and neck pain and disc herniation.

  • It is safe.
  • It is comfortable.
  • It is effective.
  • It is cost effective.

Spinal Decompression Therapy works by restoring proper function to an injured disc. Producing a controlled, mechanical traction on the spine using our Triton DTS Decompression Table does this. During the pull phase, injured discs are gently stretched apart, producing a suction force inside the disc. This draws disc bulges and herniations back into the center of the disc along with oxygen, water, nutrients, and other healing substances. The end result is a strong, healthy, properly functioning disc in about 84% of the patients.

Spinal Decompression Therapy is a lot like disc rehabilitation. Not only does decompression minimize disc bulges and herniations, but it also restores the proper nutrient supply to the disc. This allows the disc to regain its proper motion, and essentially proper nutrient supply. If the decompression is successful, the disc remains healthy even after the treatment is finished.

Information on this tab has been provided by Triton DTS.

Call now for a no-obligation consultation.

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